A few years back a little band from a land time forgot (Bowling Green, Kentucky) emerged onto the scene and promptly rocked our asses. Cage The Elephant were that band that came from nowhere and were soon everywhere. At the close of 2011 they are on tour with 2, count em' 2, best selling albums. Not bad for a couple of local yokels. But the subject of Cage The Elephant and their ever changing sound (and the criticism that comes with it). Today's musing on the new?
Cage The Elephant did what Nirvana did for the grunge scene in Seattle. What was once an undergrounds phenomena (quite possible with it's own version of flannel) was suddenly shoved from it's crawl space and into the public eye. It remains to be seen if it turns out rock wasn't dead this whole time, just hiding in a backwater town in Kentucky like your step-dad. But for now, this rocking 6 piece has gotten my attention as my first "You Mean You Haven't Heard Of?.." band.
Think grungey White Stripes. With some garage punk and some blues licks thrown in. Oh and a synthesizer. And a tambourine. And a bucket. Played by this guy.
That's right. At the same fucking time.
Songs To Check Out:
They have a strong debut album out now called Celebrasion. Pretty much all the songs on there rock, but if you're in a hurry for the hits:
"Get It Daddy"
"Force A Smile"
"Get Burned"
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